Hi Out there
I thought it was about time to make a blog about linseed oil, pine tar, natural wood treatment, traditional paint, sustainable paint and so on.
I have been working professionally with these things since 1997 in Denmark. My origins as a Swedish-speaking Finn do matter in this case: These three countries offer very essential contributions to the understanding of pine tar and linseed oil and, in general, traditional methods and materials. Together, this helps me to get a balanced view and it gives me the access to a vast mass of reference and contacts.
The story goes, as you may know, about the entrance of synthetic paints after the II World War – and of forgetting the old materials and methods. In Denmark, in the 1990’ies, there was a true linseed oil revival, with many entrepreneurs and ambassadors. Sometimes, unfortunately, there was also a lack of technical insight – it was a pretty careless period of trial and error. Then, some crazy Swedish speaking Finn started speaking up about pine tar and the French varnish Le Tonkinois, and others joined in. Today, in spite of a kind of hangover from the 90’ies boom with its mistakes – the traditional materials are widely recognized in Denmark, and I think in most of Scandinavia, as an option – or, when it comes to for example old windows, historical buildings, half-timbered houses, shingle roofs: A must.
This blog is my contribution as to sharing some “at this point” understanding about materials and methods, some thoughts and experience, with you. I’m looking forward to your comments and inputs.
HEY! I’m not saying that traditional and non-poison materials are the answer to every wood protection question. But I DO say that there are so many places out there, that it WOULD be preferred, if people knew more about theses things – and if they knew where to get the materials.
HEY 2! I’m not saying, that we should use the materials and techniques from 100 years ago – but rather, that we should continue building on the basis offered by tradition. Keep what’s worth keeping, and modify what should be modified.
If anyone should like to purchase the materials – please contact me (write a comment or call me at +45 40265481), and we’ll find a way. (You can use the Fyra Vindar Webshop – link in column to the right – for an overview of pine tars and pine tar products for sale, but ordering works only in Denmark.)
P.S. This is a sort of test. I’m slowly adding a text now and then, to see how it works – and perhaps later I’ll publish the blog in a separate English version.

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